Workshops & Presentations
Education for our local partners, citizens, and grassroots preservationists is vitally important. Preservation Massachusetts (PM) and our partners all across the state and region host workshops, seminars, webinars, and conferences geared toward broadening the understanding and appreciation for historic preservation and its myriad uses, benefits and collaborators.
PM often co-sponsors workshops and presentations with other organizations and agencies throughout the year. Subscribe to our email list at the bottom of the page to stay up-to-date on upcoming events. Whenever possible, we make the presentations and information available in our archive for future reference and educational purposes. If you have a workshop, seminar, or other educational opportunity that you would like to share and promote via our website, please email

Recent Webinars and Meetings
On September 18, 2024, Western Massachusetts Historical
Commission Coalition hosted Back to School! Adaptive Reuse of
Historic School Buildings, which presented three case studies.
Click here to watch the virtual discussion.
Presentation & Workshop Schedule
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get updated schedules for events and programs hosted by PM and partner organizations.