What's Your Story?
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What's Your Story?

Storytelling is an integral part of history. Stories teach, they inspire, they motivate, they caution. Stories tell where you have been and where you are and were you hope to go in the future.

Preservation Massachusetts is excited to launch a new bi-monthly feature called “Storytellers”. Beginning in February, we will share a local preservation story that can serve to educate and inspire others. It may be the tale of saving an historic church, of community outreach and constituency building, to the bricks and mortar of an actual restoration project.

We want to share local group’s successes, challenges and yes, even failures. Because there is always a silver lining and that lesson can help someone facing a similar issue.

So tell us your story and through us, educate and empower fellow advocates all across Massachusetts and beyond.

To submit to “Storytellers”, click here to download our form. Email the completed form and images to Erin Kelly or mail a hard copy to our office.

We look forward to sharing our first issue at the end of February!.

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