Stamp Out Old Barn Loss
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Stamp Out Old Barn Loss

Join Preservation Massachusetts and other barn owners and enthusiasts from all over New England on Sunday, January 24 at 4 pm via Zoom to celebrate the U.S. Postal Service’s issuance of a new set of barn postcard stamps. Enjoy a discussion about what old barns mean to our communities and trends in barn preservation.

Our partners, The New Hampshire Preservation Alliance, are presenting a great program featuring award-winning experts and educators Thomas C. Hubka, author of Big House, Little House, Back House, Barn: The Connected Farm Buildings of New England, long-time dairy specialist and author John Porter, fiddler Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki, and Thomas D. Visser, Field Guide to New England Barns and Farm Buildings. New Hampshire Preservation Alliance board member and farmer Lorraine Merrill will moderate. Attendees can attend a Massachusetts Q&A break-out room at the end of the event with PM Associate Director Erin Kelly and Preservation Circuit Rider Stacia Caplanson.

The program is free to attend and many thanks to our New Hampshire partners for organizing this event.

Presented by the N.H. Preservation Alliance with National Barn Alliance, Maine Preservation, Preservation Connecticut, Preservation League of New York State, Preservation Massachusetts, Preservation Pennsylvania, Preserve Rhode Island and Preservation Trust of Vermont.

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