Mid-Month Motivators: Preservation Month Edition!

How is it possible that May is already half-way over? There is still a LOT going on in the preservation community all across the state. We've all become a little more creative in how we work, advocate for and connect and that is a great thing to celebrate this Preservation Month. Enjoy some updates, news and inspiration!
Mid Month Motivators

Preservation Conversations are every Wednesday from 10-11 AM! Next week, Maureen Cavanaugh and Holly Herbster from PAL, Inc. will join us to talk about their role in preservation consultation and more. For more information click here.

Our partners Boston Preservation Alliance is doing a series of short interviews called "Tidbits of Preservation" which shares local voices in preservation. Check out their YouTube Channel and learn some interesting facts, like the connection between statues in the US Capitol and a Watertown MA company.

The Speedway project may be temporarily shut down, but the Architectural Heritage Foundation is using the site to help address a critical community issue - food insecurity. The Speedway Produce Program is a partnership with Charles River Community Health and Katsiroubas Brothers to fresh produce. Read more and donate!

Virtual resources have never been demand as much as they seem to be now. The Local Commission Resource Library is now on PM's website and is a collaboration between us and Chris Skelly of MHC. Be sure to check out this great repository of information.

The Massachusetts History Alliance has been hosting "Conversations on the Common: Where people from Massachusetts history organizations get to vent, empathize, laugh, complain, think, collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and in general be up to no good." Check out upcoming topics and register here.

It's nice to be able to do something that helps others during this time. PM was excited to announce the funding of 14 projects as part of our collaborative matching grant program with the 1772 Foundation. The projects prove that even small grants can make a big difference. Click to learn more.
Just A Few More Updates
The 2020 Massachusetts Most Endangered Historic Resources Program deadline is June 19. If you are thinking of making a nomination, be sure to check out the "How To" guide and program resources online.
The Massachusetts History Alliance announced work on Mass History Commons, an interactive website where people from Massachusetts history organizations can gather.
The Western Massachusetts Historic Commissions Coalition has announced a June meeting via Zoom. Click for more details.
PM's 2020 Preservation Awards Program has re-opened the nomination process. Click for details.
If you have some inspiring news, updates or programs to share, please email ekelly@preservationmass.org!
Thank you for all you do for preservation in your community and all of your support of Preservation Massachusetts! Stay Safe and Be Well!