Mid-Month Motivators! Good News and Helpful Hints!
We all have a lot on our minds (and proverbial plates) right now and on information overload. But there has been a lot of useful news circulating recently that we wanted to share with you. We promise this will be quick! (view this as the mid-month email online here)

Preservation Conversations are taking place every Wednesday, from 10-11 AM! Join the virtual meeting and listen to great discussion, ask questions, get answers and stay connected. For more information click here.

Our partners at the Architectural Heritage Foundation recently did a great blog post about moving ahead with preservation projects during uncertain times. With great tips and insight, this is a good and informative read for any preservationists at anytime.

Like parents everywhere, homeschooling your children is now the new normal. The National Trust for Historic Preservation recently posted "13 Virtual Ways to Edutain Kids about History and Preservation". Take a look and hopefully it will inspires some future preservationists!

The National Trust also hosted a helpful webinar about Federal Policy related to the COVID-19 relief packages. It is available online along with other helpful resources, from retaining staff to engaging audiences digitally.

MER Update: Preservation partner Historic Boston, Inc., along with New Atlantic Development and Utile, recently submitted a redevelopment proposal to UMass Boston for the Calf Pasture Pump House. The Pump House was listed on the MER in 2018.

The National Park Service is taking applications for the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program. This supports subgrant programs that enable the rehabilitation of historic properties and rehabilitate, protect, and foster economic development of rural communities. The grant was renamed in memory of the longtime executive director of the Preservation Trust of Vermont, who passed away last fall and a dear friend to Preservation Massachusetts.
Just A Few More Updates
The 2020 Massachusetts Most Endangered Historic Resources Program deadline has been adjusted to June 19. Nomination forms are available now!
The Massachusetts History Alliance announced the Massachusetts History Conference has been rescheduled for June, 2021
PM's 2020 Preservation Awards Program has re-opened the nomination process. Click for details.
Thank you for all you do for preservation in your community and all of your support of Preservation Massachusetts!
Stay Safe and Be Well!