What's Your Story? Contribute to the Storytellers Series
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What's Your Story? Contribute to the Storytellers Series

From a “house that wants to be saved” in Canton, to a 14 year journey in Dalton to preserve a tiny house with big significance to the African American community, we have been fortunate to share some amazing stories from local preservationists through our Storytellers series. Stories tell where you have been and where you are and where you hope to go in the future. Through Storytellers we share local preservation stories that can serve to educate and inspire others, and ourselves. We are always looking to share more stories that spark conversations and dialogue, inspire and encourage us on our preservation journeys. If you are interested in being a part of our Storytellers series, email Erin Kelly at ekelly@preservationmass.org or fill out this form and return it to us. We look forward to sharing your great work and commitment to preservation in your community!

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