It Takes Heart! Membership Month 2020
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It Takes Heart! Membership Month 2020

There is a lot to love about Massachusetts. We love our cities and towns, historic buildings and our main streets. We love the rolling landscapes, parks, open spaces and shores. We love people using older buildings, reusing and restoring the past for the future. And ensuring that these places we love remain as part of our cities and towns, it takes a lot; work, patience, collaboration, but most of all, heart.

This membership month, we are showing the "heart" of our work, in supporting, advocating and educating the many dedicated preservationists, community leaders, advocates and individuals who put their heart and soul into preservation efforts. You can help support their work by joining us as a member. Through your support of Preservation Massachusetts, you advocate, you educate, and you empower preservation efforts in communities across the Commonwealth.

We'll share stories like the South Dennis captain's house along route 28, a 2018 Most Endangered that was recently purchased with restoration in mind; the importance of education and networking, exemplified by the 2019 Massachusetts Historic Preservation Conference and our first ever webinar and how we collaborate and organize when historic properties of extreme importance appear to be threatened. We will also share stories of how we continue to advocate for important preservation programs, and our first ever administration of a new funding source in partnership with the 1772 Foundation.

Throughout February we will be showcasing the ways in which your membership dollars make an impact and sharing new opportunities on the horizon via our website, email and on social media. Make sure you “like” us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and sign up for our e-newsletter so we can keep you up to date and connected!

Join us in preserving our culturally important historic buildings and landscapes. Join us in breathing new life back into our community centers and neighborhoods. Join us in appreciating the pride in the places we call home. Join us and show your "heart" for preservation.

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