"Work Your Magic!"
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"Work Your Magic!"

“Work your magic.”

In the world of advocacy, what needs to be done often feels as impossible as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. When buildings are demolished, open landscapes are subdivided, and there are little or no funds to help those owners, stakeholders and stewards to want to do the right thing, it can be difficult to remain optimistic.

But despite long odds and losses (this year seemed to have more than most), there are moments where we are reminded that “magic” isn’t just for stories and make-believe. Moments like connecting an historic building to a new owner with restoration in mind, having three mayors tell over 400 people what preservation means for their communities, and seeing many enthusiastic faces connecting and learning at educational forums.

But the calls and need for the magic wand, the white knight, the elusive “they” who will answer all the questions (and find the money) still abound. And we find ourselves the ones being asked to work that magic again and again.

Today we are embarking on an effort to make our “magic” just a little stronger. Our 2019 Annual Appeal will help us expand our capacity for educational and advocacy services for anyone who needs them. Would you be willing to make a special, year-end contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more and work with us to empower and assist preservation efforts in Massachusetts?

Watch our highlight movie (a quick 4 minutes, we know you're busy!)) and learn about what we collectively accomplished in 2019 and why your special gift means support, advocacy and resources for preservationists across Massachusetts!

Give to the 2019 Annual Appeal today and thank you for your support!

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