Re-Imagine "Endangered" - Survey
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Re-Imagine "Endangered" - Survey

This year Preservation Massachusetts celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Most Endangered Historic Resources program. In that time the program has helped bring statewide focus on historic buildings, landscapes and resources that were facing uncertain futures. Over the years the program has tried to adapt to the times and promoting its focus as public relations and educational has been important. It has been our goal to make the program collaborative, working together with the nominator, local groups and the owners and stewards of the resources to find the best preservation outcome. It is not a smear or shame campaign. Positivity and possibility are at the core of this program that is often confused and misunderstood.

In an effort to promote the positive side of this program, we thought we would re-examine the name, “Most Endangered Historic Resources”. We looked across the country at similar programs and what they were called. Some embraced numeric alliteration “Seven to Save” in New Hampshire and “Six to Fix” in Maryland. But most utilized “Endangered” and while it does convey the immediacy and threat, there are a lot of connotations that come to mind.

Thus, PM is embarking on a little survey to see what YOU think about some new words that could possibly be included in a renaming of the program. We have not fully decided if we are going to rename the program but if we do, rest assured the structure and goals will still be the same.

So, tell us what you think. Click here to take our survey and help us reimagine what’s in a “Most Endangered” name.

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