Windows Windows Windows!
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Windows Windows Windows!

There has been a lot of discussion on our Massachusetts Historic Preservation list serve lately about historic windows. From restoration and repair to the replacement industry, standards and energy efficiency, there is a real need for information about windows in historic buildings.

Without a doubt, windows are important to buildings, their age, character and even style. Preservation Massachusetts has created a page on our website that will be a repository of information, resources, news and events pertaining to historic windows. We hope it will be a place where people, organizations and communities can get the information they need to advocate for historic windows in their communities.

This page and its contents will be continually updated and added to. If you know of a great resource or historic window professional, we encourage you to contact us.

Click here to go to our Window page, part of PM University, an online repository of information and educational resources for preservation advocates statewide.

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