Show the Power of Preservation!
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Show the Power of Preservation!

If there has ever been a profession dedicated to collaboration, team effort and people coming together, it is preservation. From day one, preservation has been a team sport, relying on the efforts and work of many to result in amazing transformations in our communities, neighborhoods, cities and towns.

If ever there was a time to celebrate coming together and the benefits of team spirit, it is now. The 2017 Paul & Niki Tsongas Awards will take the theme of “team” to a new level, with a competition to showcase the importance, impact and invaluable nature of preservation and its programs across Massachusetts and nationwide.

This year’s awards program will be a nomination competition in a variety of categories that demonstrate the importance of preservation, its programs, its impact and its intrinsic importance to building a future for our children, our state and our country. Using Massachusetts as a template, we will show how preservation has been a driver for fantastic projects across our state. We will demonstrate to our elected officials why these programs and the team spirit and collaboration of so many have not only restored historic buildings, but have also saved neighborhoods, created jobs, and brought economic stability and vitality. This industry is now under threat in the uncertain wake

of a pivotal election.

The Oscar Romero House, New Bedford

On Wednesday, May 10, 2017, Preservation Massachusetts will celebrate those projects that show the Power of Preservation and embody its true essence. Preservation is about more than just a building—it is about relationships, making the old new and relevant again, recycling, up-cycling and sustainability, breathing life back into our community centers and neighborhoods, providing services, and activating appreciation and pride in the places we call home. We must show that preservation is a tool that utilizes the past to make a better future. We as a collective industry, a movement and ambassadors of an ethic, are charged with demonstrating the power of preservation and dispelling the misconceptions and incorporate it as a permanent part of our 21st century thinking.

Nominations are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 24th.

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