BE: Inspired, Involved, Motivated! Donate today to PM's 2016 Annual Appeal
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BE: Inspired, Involved, Motivated! Donate today to PM's 2016 Annual Appeal

When you donate to Preservation Massachusetts' Annual Appeal, you are:

actively helping us to:​

  • Keep our Circuit Riders “in the field” and offering assistance, advice and coaching and important resources to anyone facing preservation questions or challenges anywhere in the state!

  • Develop important and much needed preservation education opportunities and materials for anyone, especially the

  • Massachusetts Historic Preservation Conference in Lowell, September, 2017!

  • Provide real financial support to projects through our Revolving Loan Fund Program, to be newly launched in 2017!

  • Provide advocacy and technical assistance to anyone in need via our website and professional staff.

  • Be a leader for preservation policy on Beacon and Capitol Hills, especially with critical funding programs.

  • Continue growing our resources, program and network to be the clearinghouse and “road map” for anyone interested in or curious about historic buildings, community revitalization and our shared heritage.

Donate today and take advantage of year end tax deductible benefits! Every donation counts so thank you for Believing in Preservation with us!

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