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Massachusetts Preservation Coalition


In January 2002, Preservation Massachusetts (PM) formed the Massachusetts Preservation Coalition, a network of local, statewide, private, and public historic preservation organizations across the Commonwealth. The Coalition is the first effort in recent history to  formally establish statewide partnerships for the purpose of enhancing and promoting historic preservation issues and ideas and develop strategies for successfully building and maintaining relationships with the more than 30,000 constituents represented by the organizations.

Coalition meetings offer a unique opportunity for the representative from each group to share their preservation experiences and learn from the experiences of others. Whenever possible, the members of the Coalition support one another on local preservation issues through attending conferences, meeting, events, and writing letters of support.

Coalition Highlights

  • Conceptualizing, authoring, and passing the Massachusetts State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

  • Working with a lobbyist to bring preservation issues and legislative agenda to Beacon Hill

  • Revitalizing the statewide historic preservation conference, beginning in 2013 in Lexington

  • Advocating with the disposition of historic religious complexes of the Boston Archdiocese including: a Preservation Tool-Kit for Parish, listing on Preservation Massachusetts' 10 Most Endangered and the National Trust’s 11 Most Endangered, ongoing efforts of a Religious Properties Subcommittee with focus on similar issues in Springfield Diocese, and more

  • Communicating within an infrastructure of strong, staffed, professional preservation organizations

The Coalition is a beneficial resource for anyone in Massachusetts concerned about preservation. Through the alliance of the Preservation Coalition, historic preservation is becoming a more organized and well-known force in Massachusetts. For information on joining the Coalition, email

2022 Coalition Meetings

Schedule subject to change. Be sure you are on our Coalition email list. 

March 1, 10:00 AM

June 1, 10:00 AM

October 5, 10:00

Meetings are held on Zoom:


Meeting ID: 637 572 1984

Passcode: B9XibF

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,6375721984#,,,,*221930# US (New York)

+13017158592,,6375721984#,,,,*221930# US (Washington DC)

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Preservation Massachusetts

Post Office Square

6 Main Street Extension, Suite 613

Plymouth, MA 02360


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The images, documents and information is the property of Preservation Massachusetts or otherwise noted owner and may not be distributed or used without consent and approval.

Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. 

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