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Annual Preservation Partnership

The best way to support the work, mission and programs of Preservation Massachusetts is through an annual partnership.


Our Annual Preservation Partners make a direct impact on: 

  • Revitalization and economic development through preservation opportunities of historic buildings and landscapes, and the retention of community character across the Commonwealth

  • Preservation as a tool for job creation, increased tax revenues, community revitalization and more!

  • Protecting and enhancing important programs that make preservation projects a reality, such as historic tax credit programs, grants and other critical tools and incentives

  • Growing and expanding the preservation community through Preservation Massachusetts educational programming, trainings, resources and direct mentorship

  • Activating existing buildings and places while retaining important connections to the past and creating opportunities for community discussion, growth and sustainability for the future. 


Preservation is about more than just a building - it is about relationships: making the old new and relevant again; recycling, up-cycling and sustainability; breathing life back into our community centers and neighborhoods, providing services, and activating appreciation and pride in the places we call home.

Become an Annual Preservation Partner of PM today and help us strengthen communities all across Massachusetts.

Annual Preservation Partnership benefits include marketing and partnership opportunities, technical assistance, access to research, policy advocacy and showcasing your support of the preservation industry in Massachusetts!

Join Preservation Massachusetts as an 

Annual Preservation Partner today!

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Preservation Massachusetts

Post Office Square

6 Main Street Extension, Suite 613

Plymouth, MA 02360


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The images, documents and information is the property of Preservation Massachusetts or otherwise noted owner and may not be distributed or used without consent and approval.

Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. 

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